EC Drummond (Agriculture) Ltd acquires new poultry farm
We are pleased to announce that EC Drummond (Agriculture) Ltd has added a new poultry farm to its growing operation. Acquired from Green Label Foods Ltd, Stallard Poultry Farm includes four modern sheds that were previously used for duck farming. We are updating the...
Latest improvements to Tillington Top Fruit location
Since launching Tillington Top Fruit in 2018, our main objective has been to modernise the existing orchards. We have already undertaken an extensive program of modernisation, which has included replanting the old orchards with more commercial apple varieties such as...Brackley Farms Ltd added to EC Drummond Group
We are delighted to announce that we have taken over the management of 8 poultry farms from major poultry processor Avara. Located in Northamptonshire, the farms will be managed by Brackley Farms Ltd, a new subsidiary of EC Drummond (Agriculture) Ltd. We have already...